The Cause runs a series of weekly workshops and activities, most of them accepting new members. If you’d like to find out more about attending a workshop, please read up on their inner workings or get in touch with Fred.
All classes must be pre-booked and contact details provided (please check with Fred on 01249 446893 or the group leader)
- Chippenham Artists 10-12am (3rd Monday of the month)
- Town Band Practice from 7.15pm
- Buddhist Meditation from 7.30pm (2nd and 4th Monday of the month)
- Drama Improvisation 7-9pm (1st & 3rd Monday of the month) Rag & Bone Arts
- Beginners Art Class 9.30-11.30am
- Improvers Art Class 12.30-2.30pm
(contact Charlie - Singing Café 2-3pm
- Lingmara World Music Choir 7.30-9.30 pm
- Life Drawing 7-9pm
- Life Drawing 9.30-11.30am
- Pilates 9.30-12 (2 classes)
- U3A art group 10am
- Pilates 5.45-8pm (2 classes)
- CCC: The Cause Community Choir 7.30-9pm
- Knatty Knitters 10.30 am
- Tai Chi 9.00-11.15am (2 classes)
- Music Cafe 7.00pm -9.00 pm (last Friday of the month)
- Quaker Meeting from 10.30am