Classes take place on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings, with all materials and refreshments provided.
Email for further details or join the Facebook group on
Materials List
The following is a suggested list of materials for producing dynamic, effective life drawings, starting with the most important:
Beginners essentials
- Charcoal – mixed sizes. Expensive but essential.
- White chalk – ordinary blackboard chalk will do. Wilko sell this.
- Black ink – buy a 500ml cheap bottle rather than Winsor and Newton jars.
- Brown paper – parcel paper on roll. A must-have, and extremely cheap compared to sugar paper. We will produce warm-up drawings at the beginning of each session and you will need a cheap surface to draw on for these.
- Putty rubber – no other type will do.
- Hairspray – a cheap alternative to fixative. Fixative has a slightly more reliable fastness and does not yellow as quickly, but the difference is not worth the astronomical price.
Intermediate essentials
- A2 cartridge paper, white – an A2 sketchbook might be handy. Don’t bother with anything smaller.
- Straight edge – you could use a 30cm ruler but it doesn’t need to be calibrated.
- Conté/pastels – earth colours (umber, ochre) Ditto grey range
- Newspaper – not glossy (for pre-drawing collage)
- Glue stick
- Sugar paper – mixed pastel colours, A1 preferably, including off-white, beige, rust
- Other mark-making substances might include: emulsion, water-based varnish, coloured inks, or van Dyke ink
- A small, decent, sturdy tool box for putting all this in!
Keep up with Chippenham Life Drawing on the Facebook page Rag and Bone Arts CIC Plus